The Hard Sale Orders page

What is on the Order Page

On the order page, multiple sections are available, displaying details of specific order information. For instance, the Product details, the Shipping History, the Payment History, etc.

For more details about all features available on the Order Page, please check the helpdesk article: The Order Page.

Order Information

In the Order Information area, at the top of the Order Page, on the Order Type field is stated Regular Order for Hard Sales one (see the below example):


The details of the product purchased are shown in this area (see below example):

Including the SKU and the Product Quantity that inform the user of the amounts of units bought by the customer.

Shipping History

In this section, all information about the fulfilment is available (see the below example):

Please note that the Shipping History will be available ONLY after the order has been sent for fulfillment to the warehouse. In other words, when the order status is already in shipping or backorder.

When the order is still in New or Paid status, this section is not yet visible, even though all the buttons are already displayed for users to take any further actions if necessary (see below example of a Paid order):

The Payment Details & the Payment History

In these sections, the user can:

  • Verify the status of the payment

  • Fully or partially refund the customer

  • Issue a Gift Card to the customer (see the below example)

In the Payment Details, a few of the customer’s Credit Card information is displayed.

Sales Workflow

In the Sales Workflow section are reported the steps of the sale, starting from the customer purchasing the product (see below example)


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