What are Invoices?
Invoices are charges for some service provided by GPC to a client for which it has to be paid. It’s a simple interface where you can provide card data, and cardholder information and upload images with proper agreements about the payment.
Invoices inside our system
Once the user has submitted a new invoice, the following will happen inside our system:
First, you’ll need to upload the images at:
POST’ll get the “imageGroupId” and pass it to the invoice creation itself at:
POST system will return the ID for the new invoice and a status message about the operation.
Sample payload to submit a new invoice
"InvoiceNumber": "INVOICE_006",
"Amount": 66.36,
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"IsTest": true,
"ImageGroupId": "a5052561-db48-4317-a5d1-c7e921ae0eb9",
"Payment": {
"MidId": 177,
"Name": "Eduardo Teste Testador",
"CardNumber": "4000000000000010",
"Expiration": "01/2026",
"Cvv": "123"
"Address": {
"FirstName": "Eduardo",
"LastName": "Soares",
"Address1": "767 5th Ave",
"Address2": "",
"City": "New York",
"ZipCode": "10153-0023",
"State": "NY",
"CountryCode": "US",
"PhoneNumber": "+1 312-336-0001"
Invoices have their own storage inside our databases
Invoices do not share the common tables and workflows as regular orders inside our system do. Instead, they have a particular set of tables:
InvoiceLogs: store the whole request/response for the invoice creation
Invoices: store the basic information about the invoice
InvoiceReceipts: store all the information regarding the payment performed by the Payments API for that invoice
InvoiceImages: store the images associated with the invoice.