May 7, 2020 - PlayBeatz Ideas Brainstorm

PlayBeatz Ideas Brainstorm

Current Profit Margin: 19.6%, Current AOV: increasing for the month of April


Current Presale CTR: 42%
PRE-1K (75% DROP OFF) —> INDEX (25% DROP OFF) —> order-global-st-ship.html (79% DROP OFF)
PRE-1F (80% DROP OFF) —> INDEX-ALT1 (20% DROP OFF) —> order-global-st-ship-alt1.html (69% DROP OFF)

  • Doing a founder angle for presale instead of the current pre-1f exercising angle, to see if this will improve TR

  • Presale/index page merge, providing a long advertorial copy to improve TR


Current Interstitial CTR: 76%

  • Placing a guarantee badge to ensure customers that their purchase is being protected

  • Placing real review videos on the page, working with remarketing team to see if they can gather real reviews from customers and in turn we offer them xx% off or a free gift


Current CVR: 7.2%

  • Test the American made badge (in queue for testing)

  • Secure badge icon (this is currently live in testing)

  • Dark mode (in queue for testing)

  • Unit selection border eye grabber (in queue for testing)


  • Doing a warranty subscription package where we offer free cases/neckstraps as gifts

  • Offering a set price warranty for the upsell products, if a customer decides to purchase any upsells.