May 7, 2020 - PlayBeatz Ideas Brainstorm
PlayBeatz Ideas Brainstorm
Current Profit Margin: 19.6%, Current AOV: increasing for the month of April
Current Presale CTR: 42%
PRE-1K (75% DROP OFF) —> INDEX (25% DROP OFF) —> order-global-st-ship.html (79% DROP OFF)
PRE-1F (80% DROP OFF) —> INDEX-ALT1 (20% DROP OFF) —> order-global-st-ship-alt1.html (69% DROP OFF)
Doing a founder angle for presale instead of the current pre-1f exercising angle, to see if this will improve TR
Presale/index page merge, providing a long advertorial copy to improve TR
Current Interstitial CTR: 76%
Placing a guarantee badge to ensure customers that their purchase is being protected
Placing real review videos on the page, working with remarketing team to see if they can gather real reviews from customers and in turn we offer them xx% off or a free gift
Current CVR: 7.2%
Test the American made badge (in queue for testing)
Secure badge icon (this is currently live in testing)
Dark mode (in queue for testing)
Unit selection border eye grabber (in queue for testing)
Doing a warranty subscription package where we offer free cases/neckstraps as gifts
Offering a set price warranty for the upsell products, if a customer decides to purchase any upsells.