QuietBuds Optimization Plan

BA - Jennie Hang
IK Split Test Results - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1fZks6sxmRpdtli7Z6jnd1JngUkuMp7-L
KPI Priority - CVR

PriorityChangeStepsGoalsTicket LinksCompletion StatusDeployment ETAExtra Notes
3Pricing Variations
  1. Please prepare 3 pricing variations per here
  2. Set them up as separate offers in Everflow and Everflow Mail

Have a variety of different price points available to affiliates

Determine best initial price point

DFSB-3260 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DFSB-3261 - Getting issue details... STATUS


2Upsell Test
  1. Please prepare standard upsell templates for the 2 extra upsells noted in the first tab here
  2. Send Tim final links for split testing
Determine best upsell for the funnel DFSB-3309 - Getting issue details... STATUS LIVE9/26Split-test live

DC TestVariant now testing (A/B)Determine best checkout for the funnelN/ALIVE

PriorityChangeStepsGoalsTicket LinksCompletion StatusDeployment ETAExtra Notes

Upgrade Upsell
  1. Prepare upgrade with 24K product, pricing found in the grid links above
  2. Use this template to prepare design assets - https://www.infinitikloud.com/en/special-offer-upgrade.html


Upsell Order Change + Creation
  1. Please create an upsell based on this, from this pricing grid(fixed to 20%)
  2. Upsell order should be 24K Upgrade - Warranty - Upsell 1 - Delayed Mini

DFSB-3309 - Getting issue details... STATUS DONE9/26

Warranty: Back-end issue

Kinetic, Charging, AirPods