InvisiCharger Optimization Plan

BA - Jennie
Split Test Results -
Current Priority - CVR

PriorityChangeStepsGoalsTicket LinksCompletion StatusDeployment ETAExtra Notes
3Pricing Variations
  1. Please prepare 3 pricing variations
  2. Set them up as separate offers in Everflow and Everflow Mail


Existing pricing variations: 

  • 69.99 (LCTC) 
  • 79.99 (LCTC) 
  • 99.99 (regular pricing) 

Please advise if we still need to request additional variations

AN-1821 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (High-Performance Pricing Request)

1Upsell Order Change + Creation
  1. Please create an upsell 
  2. Upsell order should be Warranty - Upsell 1 - Delayed Mini

DFSB-3427 - Getting issue details... STATUS
2Upsell Test
  1. Please prepare standard upsell templates for the 2 extra upsells
  2. Send Katie final links for split testing

4Golden Standard Checkout
  1. Please prepare the new golden standard checkout for all offer CTC's and create performance funnel offers on EF

HCTC done and live

5DE language variation
  1. Please prepare DE funnel variation