EZSipper Optimization Plan

BA - Jennie Hang
Split Test Results - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1_UpYTOJcU07jCwD3j6SA-XZyoS3Jpp2s
KPI Priority - CVR
Preliminary Research: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NEhakvZzD7f-XKopzvaqNv33ICPD8kjfcCa6iSKlQtg/edit?usp=sharing

PriorityChangeStepsGoalsTicket LinksCompletion StatusDeployment ETAExtra Notes
3Pricing Variations
  1. Please prepare 3 pricing variations per here
  2. Set them up as separate offers in Everflow and Everflow Mail

Have a variety of different price points available to affiliates

Determine best initial price point

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DFSB-3263 - Getting issue details... STATUS


PriorityChangeStepsGoalsTicket LinksCompletion StatusDeployment ETAExtra Notes

Upgrade Upsell
  1. Prepare upgrade with 24K product, pricing found in the grid links above
  2. Use this template to prepare design assets - https://www.infinitikloud.com/en/special-offer-upgrade.html

DFSB-3216 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Upsell order should be upgrade => warranty => etc.

Link: https://www.buyezsipper.com/en/special-offer-upgrade.html

Upsell Order Change + Creation
  1. Please create an upsell based on this, from this pricing grid(fixed to 20%)
  2. Upsell order should be 24K Upgrade - Warranty - Upsell 1 - Delayed Mini

DFSB-3459 - Getting issue details... STATUS Done


Pending upgrade warranty API to add to funnel

Upsell Test
  1. Please prepare standard upsell templates for the 2 extra upsells noted in the first tab here
  2. Send Tim final links for split testing

QuietBuds: https://www.buyezsipper.com/en/special-offer-quietbuds.html
Insole: https://www.buyezsipper.com/en/special-offer-insole.html